José Antonio Martínez (Bracap Global Tours): "Hay mucha más conciencia individual que colectiva"

José Antonio Martínez, socio financiero de Bracap Global Tours, explica cómo se percibe la sostenibilidad desde su sector: El turismo. #AixoEsCoworking #CRECCoworking #CRECEixample #CRECPobleSec #CRECSabadell #Sostenibilidad #Ecologia #NegociosSostenibles #EconomiaSostenible #CRECTalks #Business #Trabajo #Coworking #Webinar #Charla source

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GEM 2020 Testimonial: Joaquim Capdevila, Bracap Global Tours

The Global European Marketplace is an event open exclusively to ETOA members. A full-day workshop for global tour operators and travel buyers that want to meet the best European product in the most influential contracting event of the year. Over 800 attendees from member companies attend the event, with a personalised agenda of pre-scheduled meetings. Our 2020 edition guaranteed with in-person or online attendance options offered. Find out more: source

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Catalonia 2020: Joaquim Capdevila, Bracap Global Tour

ETOA has launched its latest B2B networking event, the Catalonia Workshop, taking place on the 30th of September 2020. This event is aimed specifically at international tour operators and wholesalers looking to meet with suppliers from across, Catalonia, Andorra and the South of France in a series of scheduled 1-2-1 meetings. The Catalonia Workshop will be conducted entirely online through our video meeting platform. Find out more and register: source

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