Episode 24: Minecraft World Tours (TBA World)

I hope everyone enjoyed this exclusive Minecraft world tour! Please let me know what you think of this episode in the comment section. Be sure to leave a ‘like’ and subscribe if you enjoyed this video and want to see more! Check out links below!

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Subscribe Here- https://www.youtube.com/user/JuicyTaz201

Follow Here- https://twitter.com/JTaz201


TBA YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9xjRaKlP9LnR70YZ7MkjDA

TBA Twitter- https://twitter.com/TBATradBuilders


Traditional Builders Association Members:

– Flowation ( https://twitter.com/darkagecrafters )

– BO4R ( https://twitter.com/BO4RGaming )

– KillerDraden420 ( https://twitter.com/FolsterDrayden )

– $OpMoneymaker$ ( https://twitter.com/Chaoticbuilds | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1hI_3soT0HBMSg_3jmxByg )

– Eschy93 ( https://twitter.com/Esche93 )

– Killshot456 ( No Known Twitter )

– DivisionMC ( https://twitter.com/iLusion_MC )

– Aloha Karma ( https://twitter.com/Aloha_Karma | https://www.youtube.com/user/QandHgaming )

– WhackedArtist4 ( https://twitter.com/marvinraymond3 )

– ImDoneNero ( https://twitter.com/imdonenero )

– alvin8p ( No Known Twitter )

– tcl ( https://twitter.com/TCL135 )


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